So I spend the majority of my days here in China doing these two things-
1. Romping
2. Rolling
What does that mean exactly?
Well, it mostly means that I have a ridiculous amount of fun and I get a good deal of exercise, too.
Romp·ing – Dancing to the beat of children’s music with a great big smile on one’s face
Roll·ing – Demonstrating obstacle courses as if you were Spiderman, a rocket ship, a zoo animal, or any other theme related object
Do I enjoy my job?
Considering I am able to play and cuddle on babies all day, yes, I would say I highly enjoy my job. There are times when I feel a little frustrated with having a lack of supplies, children peeing all over the gym, a few confusing lesson plans, and no clue how many children I will have in class… but all-in-all I have a great job.
What is the best part of working at Romp N Roll?
My favorite thing about working for this company is all of the great new ideas I am getting to use in my future classroom. Although I feel like I am a classroom teacher here, I do not feel like I am a structured classroom teacher. There is no reason why you cannot learn by singing and playing and exploring through concrete materials. I think the best thing about being here is how much I am growing as an educator.
Did you make the right decision in moving to China to be an early childhood instructor?
I absolutely made the right choice. I needed to have this experience so I could grow as an educator, develop independence, see the world, and change my life. Although I have always had more of an interest in teaching older children, working as an early childhood instructor is opening my mind to how important education is throughout a child’s life. It is just as important to teach your child as a baby as it is when they are adolescents and teenagers. I am seeing growth in children as young as three months. It is inspiring to watch a toddler learn new sign language or listen to a four year old count to 5 in a new language. This was 100% the best decision for me.
What will you do when you come back to America next year?
Even though it is a long ways away, I have already been weighing my options for my return to the states. I definitely want to get a job with a school district and teach in a classroom of my own. I am feeling strong ties to early childhood education and I would like to have a kindergarten class. I am still not sure if I will stay in Roanoke or move to another city. I feel as though the world truly is my oyster. There is no reason not to just get out of your comfort zone and experience everything that the world has to offer you. I am attempting to save as much money as I can while I am here so I can buy a new car when I get home and move to Northern Virginia or DC.
Mandarin lesson:
Xuéxiào 学校 (school)