Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Monday, July 18, 2011

In love with organization

Every moment that I haven't been teaching this week, I have been organizing! I kind of look at the new center as a little baby in need of some love and care. I decided to start in the art room because it was just pretty bad in there. I am wishing I had taken "before" photos but I did not! Everyone else has been posting photos of their classrooms on Facebook... well, here are my "classrooms" for all intensive purposes.

Theresa and I have both explained that Rompy's tongue should probably be red and not brown. Apparently our opinion on this does not matter much. Bella says we will just tell people he ate a lot of chocolate...

I love labeling things!

One of the nurseries. I love the canopy over the crib!

Rompy's house! Rompy and his family are so skinny in their portrait!

The castle does not look quite like this anymore. I moved all of the baskets and bins into the storage closet.

This is the bathroom! I love the tile.

My side of the closet. It is definitely a tight squeeze!

I put all things needed in the gym often on the first shelf. The middle shelf will be for TRMs (Theme Related Materials) and the third shelf are things that are extra supplies or rarely used.

This is the sales side of the closet... It looks WAY better here than yesterday morning. I almost want to organize this side, too. I just think I would be frustrated when it didn't last. I informed the sales team that this is their side and they must stay off of my side.
Some people have been asking to see my apartment. I will post the pictures Theresa took before moving in. I am still in the process of unpacking and getting situated so the place is pretty much a wreck right now. Once it is clean and organized I will post the new pictures of what our place looks like.

This is Theresa's bedroom. We decided that because her boyfriend will be visiting next year- she should probably have this room. You know... because it has a DOOR and my room does not! It also has a bathroom with a really cool bathtub. After our cleaning lady helps us get the place clean I will be trying out this tub.

This is the bathroom off of my bedroom. It has the shower in it. T and I will obviously be sharing bathrooms. Her's for the tub, mine for the shower and washing machine!

Here is my bedroom. The curtain is my "door." The bedrooms are really like lofts. It is super cute. My room is the first you walk into when coming upstairs. The curtain kind of makes a little hallway to get to T's room. There is also tons of storage in my room. I have that long desk type thing with shelves, then more shelves on the wall with the bathroom and then a huge "closet/wardrobe" in my hallway. T and I will be sharing the storage areas.

This is the living room. There is also an entertainment center against the wall with a flat screen TV! I like the wood chairs but I would also like to find some cushions for them!

Here is the dining area. The refrigerator is also in this room and there is a cabinet in the back, too. This is the first room you walk into when you come inside.

Here is our kitchen. It is very small and really dirty right now. This is why we are in need of someone to come help us clean! I do not even walk into the kitchen. I am a little grossed out by it right now.

Here are the stairs from the dining area into the living room and you can see they continue to go up which is where you would walk into my bedroom and our makeshift hallway. Yes, the stairs are glass. It is really cool but also a little creepy. I hold on to the hand rail pretty tightly when I walk on them at night!

Here is our courtyard. We are on the ninth floor. You can also see what the outside of the apartments look like here. It is really cool!
So... that is basically my life right now. Work and home. I am going to make myself get up at some point today so I can go shopping for things for the apartment. I have a whole list going. I need sheets and a blanket and pillows. We also need plates, bowls, and cups. We do not have any cleaning supplies so I need all of those. I am not sure how to get everything I need and walk back home with it all. I think I will get as much as I can carry today and go back tomorrow for another round of as much as I can carry. First stop today= Wal Mart. There is one on the same street as our apartment! Tomorrow I think I will try to find IKEA. It is relatively close, I am just not quite sure where it is exactly.

By the way, the Grand Opening went really well on Saturday. There were tons of people there! I was pretty frustrated basically the whole time because plans kept changing at the last second and I had to do things that I didn't know about. I think sometimes my employer forgets I do not speak Chinese. So many people kept telling me things in Chinese like I should just understand. I had to run and find my two strong English speakers every time someone was trying to tell me what to do. Even though it was chaotic and all over the place, I had a lot of fun and the kids had a lot of fun. I am hoping that we score a lot of new members and quickly! I am pretty sure the center will not last with only the six members we had signed prior to the opening!

Mandarin lesson:
Jiànshēnfáng 健身房 (gym) Yìshù de 艺术的 (art) Yīnyuè 音乐 (music)

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