Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We're goin' to the zoo

The four of us ventured out to the zoo with Bella and Cherry today. It was really very depressing. The animals were in horrible living conditions and I basically wanted to cry the whole time. I was happy that I got to pet a zebra... and the pandas seemed a bit happier than the rest of the animals. Animal rights activists would have a field day at this place. I didn't get many pictures of the animals because it was too depressing. It got to the point that I could not even look anymore. I walked through exhibits with my head down.

I am petting a zebra! They liked me because of my shirt.
Rhino... missing his horn.

My new umbrella =) I can't wait for rain!

After the zoo we went to the aquarium which proved to be a lot happier. I am definitely glad that we got out of the misery at the zoo and landed at the aquarium. We had been out all day and after our hike yesterday we weren't totally up for seeing every exhibit today. We skipped the "petting station" and the sharks... I kind of wish we had seen it all but we didn't eat anything all day so dinner was a must after awhile.

Hey, what's that?
My favorite exhibit of the day!

After the zoo and the aquarium we went out for coffee at Central Perk and then went to dinner at a yummy Chinese restaurant T and I found a few weeks ago when we were attempting to book our failed trip to Inner Mongolia. Speaking of vacations, we are having one in two weeks. T and I are going to Yangshuo for a week! I pretty much can't wait!

Back on the orange couch. I am so Rachel!

We have more adventures planned for the rest of the week. I am definitely enjoying exploring China and seeing everything that it has to offer.

Mandarin lesson:

This has been a mandarin lesson before but now it is written in coffee.
Péngyǒu 朋友 (friend)

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