Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Today I fulfilled two life dreams

Which dreams you may be wondering? Well every since I can remember I have loved Michael Jackson. I pretty much know every one of his songs. I have all but his newest album. I grew up obsessed with the King of Pop. When I was little used to watch Michael on a video that my mom had. I would fawn over his dancing and you would frequently see me doing the stereotypical Michael move - the crotch grab with a hang in the air. Today Theresa and I spent some time learning Michael's Thriller dance. The teaching staff is going to perform Thriller at our Halloween event in a couple of weeks. I absolutely cannot wait. The dance was actually a lot easier to learn than I thought it would be. We pretty much have the moves down and now we are going to work on having stiff movements and then adding in the zombie personalities. We are going to be the coolest early education center ever.

My other dream... well, not quite so life-long but definitely is something I have been wanting forever. It has finally gotten cold enough to wear my Uggs! So for the first time ever, I wore my Uggs. They are the best. I am happy that I have such fabulous shoes to keep me warm. I am in love.

Speaking of the weather, I have a feeling we are really in for quite the Winter here. It is really getting cold and apparently the heat will not be coming on until mid-November. Thanks Communism... you win again. We also noticed that we no longer have air conditioning. I guess they take that away in September. The sun starts to go down at 5 pm now and it is pretty dark by 6. It is really strange. I guess by Winter it will be dark at like 3 pm. Who knows...

Mandarin lesson:
Jiāngshī 僵尸 (zombie) Xuēzi 靴子 (boots)

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