Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Friday, October 28, 2011

Frost bite's not so bad, right?

Thanks to good ole' Mao Zedong (no, he is not still China's leader, it's some dude named Jintao - not that this is even important to my point) 22 million people living in The Middle Kingdom's capital are chattering, trembling, and all-around freezing for 18 glorious more days. The reign of Communism in China did not only bring government-controlled ownership of property, censorship in the media, the inability to be in a free-society, and basically a nation of brainwashed citizens. Communism in China also means freezing to your bones is no longer just a silly saying. The low tonight in Beijing is 40 degrees. Because we don't have a thermostat in our apartment who knows if it is colder inside or out at this point. I am dressed in my Winter's best (even though we are still close to two months away from the season) today. Gloves, hat, scarf, boots, thick socks, four shirts, jeans and even long johns are gracing my icicled body. Apparently two years ago the temperature in October dipped down below 40 during the daytime so the government decided to turn the heat on early. After a few days of thawing, the temperatures across Beijing went back up to 50 and someone in red decided that was the last time they would allow their people the luxury of warmth. They called the use of coal-supplied-heat a waste of China's resources. It is hard to type over the teeth chattering. I will be home for Christmas in 52 days. I can't wait to be back in a land where I can make it as cold or as hot as I please.

Pass the hot cocoa, por favor.

Did I mention that I have been experiencing an incredible amount of sick the past few days? I took Wednesday off work because I spent the weekend curled up in the fetal position in between runs (some successful and some un) to the bathroom for bouts of vomiting and  other horribleness which shall go unnamed. I wonder if it would be easier to kick the sick to the curb if I wasn't forced to wear bed slippers and long johns even at work?

Mandarin lesson:
Qiǎokèlì nǎichá 巧克力奶茶 (Chocolate milk tea - things are done a little differently here)

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