Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Friday, September 30, 2011

Yangshuo Day 3

Day three brought the pain... excruciating pain. In my arms, hands, and even fingers. Theresa and I decided that kayaking on the Li River would be a good idea. We were right but that doesn't mean that I am not seriously hurting now because of it. We kayaked for a little more than four hours. I am not sure how far we went but I think it is fair to say we went a pretty good distance. I have to admit that I got frustrated more times than once. I have never been kayaking and did not realize that it wasn't going to be easy just keeping the kayak straight. I got turned around several times, stuck in the current of a passing motor boat, grounded on some rocks a few times, and the worst- pushed into piles of seaweed and goo. Basically, kayaking wasn't all peaches and cream but it was a good time. While on the river we saw people fishing on bamboo rafts, wild dogs running on the land, gaggles of ducks that seemed infinite in size, cows grazing, and water buffalo hanging by the river's edge. Our "guide" told us that we could take our time and go as fast or as slow as we wanted but to be sure to stop when we reached the big bridge. After about two hours on the river I was beginning to think the legend of the bridge was all a hoax. My arms pretty much felt like they would just fall off at any moment. Around three hours in Theresa and I both seriously had to pee.... We decided we would pull up to the land to pop a squat. I was laughing hysterically while we squatted next to our kayaks by the river. Some cows were there to watch over us. You know, just in case. We got back in our kayaks and it was off to search for the supposed bridge yet again. We kayaked for about another hour before I exclaimed, "Ah!!! The bridgeeeeeee!" and then began rowing like there was no tomorrow in order to arrive at our Mecca. As usual, the landscape was stunning, the nature was plentiful, the animals were beautiful, this vacation is awesome.

After our adventure we needed some serious naps. We changed into our pajamas and hit the hay for a couple of hours. When we awoke from our naps it was time for part 2 of day 3: The Liu Sanjie Impressions Light Show. The show was set on the river in between many lit up mountains. Apparently the same guy that designed the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics also designed this light show. There were hundreds of people in the show. They each sang and danced on the river in a fashion that didn't even seem real. I have been debating what my favorite part was and I think it was when a bunch of people in lit up dresses/suit-things came out in a huge zig zag line across the river. The suits turned off and on and sparkled across the water. It was seriously cool.

After the show Theresa and I made it back to our hostel for dinner and then went to bed. It is now the start of day four and it is looking like we will be having a more restful day since the past few have really used up a lot of energy and strength. Check back tomorrow to read about what we are doing today!

Mandarin lesson:
 Dēngguāng xiù 灯光秀 (light show)

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