Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Moving on and moving out

I have been doing a lot of moving on and moving out since I've been here in Beijing. I have had to move on from my daily routine, my comfortable bubble I had around myself, my relationships that are struggling across the world... I have had to move out from two apartments and it will soon be three. I will be in Wuhan in just a matter of days now. I will be spending a lot of quality me time there. Exploration, adventure, and certainly confusion await me in my new city. I will only have a roommate/coworker for my first four days and then she is flying back to Beijing to open a new Romp N Roll in Wangjing. I will then spend the remainder of my time there alone. But I am trying to think of it as not being "lonely" but just as getting to know more of myself. I have done a lot of learning about me so far. I have really never spent so much time away from home. Without a familiar face to comfort me when I am depressed and feeling glum. Thankfully I do not often feel this way when I am here. I am really very happy to be in this city and to be meeting new people and making new friends. I'd say it's a good thing to move on and move out every once in awhile.

Theresa and I are hopefully going to mark a few things off our Bucket List this "weekend." We are going to do some adventuring the great city of Beijing. We will probably also do some bargaining and some eating... and possibly some TV watching, too. This is my last weekend in Beijing for a few weeks. I want to get a few things marked off of my touristy list before I go. When I get back I will have been in China for close to two months. I feel like I really haven't done very much sightseeing and like time is already going by too fast. It will be hard to do a lot of the sites over the summer because it will be insanely hot. It is already pretty sweltering here now. I only have a few things right now on my list of things to do in Wuhan. I will be really mad at myself if I do not do all of these things while I am there.

Along with "the list" we also have neat cards with things to do in Beijing on them. Jill gave them to us. So we are going to see how many cards we can get through in a year. I am pretty sure there are 99 of them. That's a lot of doing over the next year!!

I am going to get back to work now. I have a babies class coming up in a few minutes.

Here- Enjoy some fat, half naked Chinese men =)

Mandarin lesson:
Huai le (broken) CONGRATS Mom for getting it right!

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