Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Monday, June 27, 2011

One day's time

How is it that yesterday when I got off work I felt all kinds of rejuvenated and was totally loving China and then I wake up today and feel like absolute hell? I am tired of sleeping on the hardest bed in the universe and even more tired of the dirty water coming out of my faucet and lack of people to hang out with. I am lonely in Wuhan. I don't like it... I knew that I would be lonely and I was going to just have to deal with it for a few weeks but now that Theresa is coming here until the end of August that basically means I will have one heck of a lonely Summer. Today was the first day that I have questioned my decision to change my whole life and flip my world upside down to do what exactly? Come to another country to lay in bed all day and watch TV shows on my laptop? That seems to be all that I know how to do here.

On the up side- I did have a good day yesterday. Well, a small piece of my day was good. And by good I really mean perfect. Yesterday I had an Oral English class. It was my first Oral English class since I have started this new job and it was the first time I actually felt like I was a teacher. It was the first time since I came here that I felt like everything was worth it. Like the break up, the move, exchange of animals, ridiculously long flight, sleepless nights, bad food, loneliness... everything was worth it. Even if it was for only an hour and half... at least for those minutes I was happy that I made this decision.

Wuhan is really bringing me down today.

I hope this is just a speed bump and all will be fine tomorrow. I am going to force myself out of bed and into the shower then out of this apartment tomorrow. I can't just lay around in my room all day every day. I need to have a Starbucks and go shopping. I think those are the only things that will make me feel better right now. Caffeine and clothes.

No mandarin lesson today... I just feel like speaking only English. For just one day...

1 comment:

  1. This is temporary and something you expected just roll with it and stop looking at the negative try to find some positive and keep your chin up. You will be back I. Beijing before you know it. Plus I thought you only have two more weeks? Isn't this the case?


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