Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I cannot pretend everything is perfect all the time when it isn't... I know my post yesterday was a little negative. Do not get me wrong, family and friends, I love being in China. However, everyone has good days and bad days. Yesterday just so happened to be a bad day. Just so you know- I do not love living in Wuhan. I would like it a lot more if I had a friend here with me. I am not a solo kind of girl. I have lived the majority of my life dependent on those around me. I have never spent time alone. Ever... this was a huge reason why I wanted to make the move to China. I know, I could have just lived on my own in Virginia but I was not in the position to be able to do that financially or emotionally. I know I am only in Wuhan for a few weeks by myself and some of you may think I should be able to handle that just fine... but the thing is, it is hard to be all alone every day for a month. I wish I could come on here and tell you all that everything here is perfect every single day but that would be a lie. I am glad that I made the decision to come here. I know it will be (and already has been) life changing. I can feel myself growing every single day. I can feel myself becoming more independent. I know that when I return to the states I will be a new person and I will be the kind of person who is stronger and more willing to try new things. But the point is-- some times I will have bad days. And guess what? I will blog about those bad days...

Today was a so-so day. I did what I said I would do yesterday... I pulled myself up and out of bed. I showered and blow dried my hair for the first time in a week. Well, I have showered more than once in a week but I usually just leave my hair wet and don't give a hoot about what I look like. Today I put on make up and cute clothes and hailed a taxi out to Hankou. I went to the mall and spent a little zījīn at H&M. I went to Starbucks for a Vanilla Latte and I perused the shops for a few hours. I ate dinner at Pizza Hut. I ordered lasagna! Basically, I had the most American day that I could possibly have here in Wuhan. I really needed it... I came back home and dropped off my new purchases and then headed for the supermarket. I bought a few snacks and drinks and then sat outside for a few minutes to watch some street performers.

Kids learning how to roller blade! There are a group of young guys who teach them every afternoon.

I had an okay day. It felt good to eat familiar food and do some shopping. I am going to make myself perk up a little because I do not want to spend my weeks here in misery.

Some new things are coming to my blog soon... so be advised!

Mandarin lesson:
Wánměi de 完美的 (perfect) Xíng 行 (okay)

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