Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Sunday, April 17, 2011

As promised

Things I am NOT looking forward to in China:
  1. Squat toilets- There is nothing inside of my newly-found, adventurous self that wants to use a squat toilet. I never thought I would have to think that I may not have a "westernized toilet" in my own home. Shoot, I never even thought that there were people who didn't have a "westernized toilet" in there homes. As far as I have always been concerned there was only one kind of toilet in this world and I had already come across that one kind. Can you even imagine this:

    being my life??? Quite honestly even I cannot believe it.

  2. The food- There's really no part of Chinese cuisine that I am looking forward to eating. I have no desire to eat scorpion or ox stomach or toads or cow esophagus. Really? People eat these things?!? WHY!!! And I, being the very picky eater that I am, cannot even fathom eating anything like this:

    Who enjoys that? Really? Who? What even is that?

  3. The flight- I am already scared of flying as it is. Now I will spend an entire day on a plane? Like... literally... the WHOLE day. What about claustrophobia? I've never used an airplane toilet before. But I guess if I am going to be experiencing all kinds of new toilets I will consider myself blessed while I am peeing on the airplane. What does one do on a plane for 20 hours? You can only watch so many movies...
Moral of the story- If, heaven forbid, I do not have a real toilet in my home I will attempt to hold it until I go to work every day. At least I will build some new muscles in my thighs. McDonald's may be my new favorite restaurant. I will probably never be scared to fly again. These are all good things.

Mandarin lesson:
Cèsuǒ (toilet)

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