Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


"…the capital of the Hubei province - a modern metropolis with unlimited possibilities, situated in the heart of China. Wuhan is an energetic city, a commercial centre of finance, industry, trade and science, with many international companies located here. Having scientific, technological and educational institutions such as Laser City and the Wuhan University, the city is also an intellectual centre." -

Now that it is official that I will be living in Wuhan, I thought I would really start researching this city that I had never heard of prior to two weeks ago.

From what I can see on the map-

Wuhan is technically in "central" China. It is situated on the Yangtse River (the third largest river in the world) and dates back over 3,500 years! The Harmony Express has been clocked as being the fastest train in the world and it is stationed in Wuhan!

Population of Wuhan- a whopping 9,100,000... To put that in perspective: There are 8,175,000 people in New York City. I honestly can't imagine a city with more people than NYC. It seems like Wuhan is not as dense as the Big Apple so hopefully I won't feel so congested by people at all moments.

Referred to as "The Home of White Clouds and the Yellow Crane."

The Yellow Crane Tower was built in the year 223 AD. Wow... America was not even a thought.

I am excited to see this in person!

Most followed religions- Buddhism and Taoism. Both of which are very peaceful and interesting to me. I will enjoy learning more about these religions.

From what I have been told and researched, Wuhan is very Chinese. Yeah- duh, Chelsie, you're in China. Everything is Chinese. Well, just hear me out. Wuhan will not be westernized. There will not be "real" toilets. No, not even in my own home. There will be very few Americans. There will not be as many familiar franchises. I will really be living, breathing, walking in the Chinese culture!

Popular foods in Wuhan:
  • Hot and dry noodles
  • Duck's neck (yes... neck)
  • Soup dumpling (which really sounds amazingly delicious)
  • Salty doughnut
Maybe Wuhan will be great? One can only hope since this will soon be my address.

Mandarin lesson:
Huǒchē (train)


  1. Are you kidding?!?!?!?!?!?????????? I cannot believe you are moving to CHINA?!?!? Are you nuts? WOW.
    Question: what about your fiance?!?


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