Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Thursday, August 11, 2011

5 stars

I saw the final installment of Harry Potter last night. I felt like that basically was the ending of my childhood. It is on to adulthood now. It is hard to believe that Harry Potter has been around for half my life and now it is over. I will leave you with me just saying the movie was awesome. It was by far the best of the eight and I am so happy that even in China I could watch one of my favorite series!

The actual reason for this post is to explain the differences between Chinese and American movie theaters. I was super excited about the fact that we were allowed to bring in whatever food and drinks we wanted to. Herby and I went to KFC to pick up our dinner and we just brought it straight into the theater, no questions asked. Something I think is a bit strange here is that when you buy your ticket you are assigned a seat. I would have been really upset if we ended up on the front row, but thankfully we were on the back row. Apparently it is also totally acceptable to talk during the entire movie. This was something I definitely did not appreciate. The couple next to me was seriously making me a bit crazy. Something else that was really different was the fact that not only were there no commercials before the movie, there were no previews. The movie just started. It was the strangest thing. I was really confused and for a few moments I thought maybe the first minute of the movie was an ad for a new video game or something. I must admit it was strange watching the movie with Chinese subtitles. Yes, the movie was in English, but there were characters at the bottom of the screen for my fellow movie-goers. It was kind of funny because during totally serious parts of the movie people would start cracking up. It kind of made me wonder what exactly those subtitles said as I know Chinglish is quite hysterical.

The word wall yesterday was definitely a good one for the day-

Mandarin lesson:
Diànyǐng 电影 (movie) Diànshìjù 电视剧 (TV series)

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