Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Friday, August 26, 2011

Team Peeta

It took me awhile to pick a side and stick to it. If you don't know what I am referring to then you should read The Hunger Games Trilogy. I finished the series today and although I am sad about the way some of it turned out, I must say that the books did not disappoint.

But, this is not a post about my latest read. Nope.

It is a post about my new, four-legged pets! Yep! Theresa and I went to the supermarket tonight (yes, the supermarkets here sell some pets) and picked out two very awesome TURTLES!

I have been wanting turtles for awhile now and Theresa and I decided today would be the day. She has been talking about getting a fish. She did not seem so sure about having turtles as pets. She even told me the other day they will strictly by my pets. I am hoping the turtles will rub off on her. 

It seems as though they may...

Theresa had to be the brave one and pick up a turtle first. I was a little worried at first. I eventually warmed up to the idea. Please make note of the excitement all over my face.

So these are our turtles. First up- Peeta

Peeta is much more subdued than Gale. He is very easy to pick up and he enjoys walking along your hands. He is stirred pretty easily but he does not try to get away. He is a little bit greener than his roommate which makes him easy to recognize. 

Next up- Gale

Gale is definitely more feisty. Notice that we left him in the sink to hang out instead of letting him roam around in our hands. He was trying to break free from the moment we left the market. We were discussing names for our my turtles. I thought of Rafael and Michelangelo. For awhile I wanted Joey and Chandler. But, it was Gale and his plan of escape that made me choose Peeta and Gale. This is a good way for us to be reminded of The Hunger Games.

Gale and Peeta. Friends for life. =)

And me, one happy camper.

Mandarin lesson:
Guī 龟 (turtle)

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