Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Monday, July 4, 2011

Down by the river

So I spent this morning lounging around the apartment in my jams playing Angry Birds and scoping out Facebook. I decided I shouldn't spend the day being a lazy bum so I showered and blow dried my hair (quite impressive, huh?) and I got dressed and headed out to explore the city. I decided I wanted to go to the river to people watch and do a little gift shopping. I started walking the way Megan showed me the first time we went to the river. Remember, when Wuhan spiced things up a bit with a creeper stalker? So, anyways, I headed down the street and made it to my first landmark- a gas station. I had remembered that there was something important about this gas station. I thought I had turned by it but apparently I did not... I continued walking for what felt like an eternity and I did not come across the landmarks I was trained to look for- a movie theater, McDonalds, Snack Street. Instead, I just kept on walking. After a while of this I decided I was definitely lost. I called Megan to ask her where to go and she decided I was walking the right way (I didn't explain my exact location very well) so I kept going... I got to an area filled with overpasses and I knew I had not been there before. I decided to try to get a taxi. It took me another 15 minutes of standing in the 100 degree furnace of Wuhan before I finally got an empty cab. I called Candy to tell the taxi driver where I wanted to go (I have not learned how to say Snack Street or river). So thanks to her assistance I made it to Snack Street! I paid my driver and made a stop at a drink stand for a mango smoothie. I browsed many shops and bought a ton of presents! Here is my stash of items being mailed home soon:

I then found my way to the river and enjoyed a few moments observing the people as they certainly observed me. I snapped a few photos and then walked back through Snack Street just to look. I wish I could send smells through my blog because the stench of parts of Snack Street are revolting. Unfortunately there is not an app for that yet...

Chuan (pronounced chwar)- meat on a stick

Hipstamatic photography app is the best!


I was pretty pissed when I was lost. I was hot and sweaty and feeling a bit dehydrated. I mumbled some curse words under my breathe every time an empty cab passed by me when my hand was obviously waving to say, "Stop! Pick me up! I'm dying here!" Thankfully I really don't have to watch my mouth as the majority of people have no clue what I am saying. Once I finally found where I wanted to be I was much happier. It was nice walking around and going through authentic Chinese shops. I bought a lot of jewelry today! My collection is growing:

The flower is a hair tie! How cute is that??

Well... I think I need to learn this, though I will probably not have to use it again seeing as I only have 10 more days in Wuhan:

Mandarin lesson:
河 (river) Měishí jiē 美食街 (food street)

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