Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Friday, July 1, 2011

A few new additions

I have put together a few new things for my blog.

One- I now have what I am calling a "supplemental blog." I created a tumblr. account so I could post quick blurbs, quotes, songs, pictures, or other tidbits about my time here in China. You may not totally capture the relevance of all of the information I post on my tumblr. page but basically I will be posting things without rhyme or reason. You can visit my tumblr. page by clicking right here--> TUMBLR! NO CHEESE IN CHINA! You may also notice that I put a link to the page on my sidebar so you can access it from my blog easily.

Two- I have decided to start a book club of sorts. Well, maybe it will progress into a book club. For now it is just me reading and deciding to share with you the book I am currently reading and summaries/brief reviews of the books I have read while overseas. You will see on my sidebar that I have a listing titled "Currently Reading" and a picture of the latest read. You can click on that picture (or on the label under the blog header titled "Beijing Book Club") and be taken to another page on my blog devoted to the books I am reading. Feel free to read along with me or just wait for me to finish and review the book to see if it is any good. I need to send a special thank you to Jessi for hooking me up with her Barnes and Noble account so I can now read all of the books she has downloaded on her Nook and any more that I choose to purchase myself.

Those are all of the additions for now. Who knows... maybe more will be coming to the blogosphere soon.

Mandarin lesson:
Shū zhōng 书中 (book)


  1. I'm joining the book club!!

  2. Wait you need to make it so I can comment on the book club stuff so we can converse

  3. Ok- I made a comment section... hopefully it works okay! Apparently Blogger does not have comments for separate pages so I found another HTML source for it. We'll see how it goes!


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