Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Twice in one day?

And right after I blogged about having nothing to say to you fine folks.

Well, I still don't have too much to say. But I thought I would show you my apartment again. I cleaned for the cleaning lady who is coming tomorrow. Yes, this does sound odd now that I say type-it-out-loud. I just want her to be able to do the cleaning that actually matters tomorrow and not have to fiddle with the dishes, picking up after me, laundry, or taking out all of the trash. The kitchen, dining room, and shower bathroom need some major scrubbing and I am not about to let my clutter that has built up in the past week stop her from accomplishing that goal.

So, here is some photographic evidence that I did a small amount of cleaning today:

My coconut sun from Wuhan =)

The totally precious bowls and cups I bought! I could only afford two of everything so we will need to get two more soon.
Once it is cleaned, I would certainly call this the cutest part of the apartment! I am in love with the bright yellow wall.
There were tons of paintings shoved against the wall in T's bathroom. I pulled them out and hung them up around the apartment. Because the hooks on this wall are just randomly scattered all over the place, the painting is not exactly centered.

I also want you to see my fabulous bird whistle from Wuhan in action:

My totally cool bird whistle

The first part of my day was spent out at Sanlitun buying DVDs and eating lunch. I bought 6 new movies today!

I figured out that I can take the 701 bus down 16 stops to get dropped off right in front of The Village. Pretty awesome I think! It beats having to walk from the subway when it is unbearably hot outside right now. And it really only took about 30 minutes, so that is not so bad. I am pretty sure it is faster by bus than by subway considering I would have to take the bus to the subway and then walk from the subway stop to The Village.

So anyways, here are some photos of Sanlitun, or as I like to tell my friends and family, "America Town."

Here I am before going out on my big artistic adventure last night! My hair is blow dried AND straightened! And even though you can't really tell here, I have a full face of makeup on! Wow!

I love when kids play in fountains. It was so hot today that I seriously considered joining them.

Many familiar shops and several foreigners are the reason I like to refer to this place as "America Town."

Beijing traffic... gotta love it.
Note the blue sky!

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