Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Monday, July 25, 2011

Is it strange that I have nothing to say?

Here I am living my dreams off in another country but the past few days I have really felt like I just have nothing to blog about. I have been back in Beijing for about a week and a half and I have already set a routine for myself. I wake up in the morning with hopefully enough time to take a shower. I rush out the door to catch my bus usually about 30 minutes before I have to be at the office. I take the 420 bus down six stops and I walk to the breakfast food stand that I recently found and buy the Chinese version of an egg-Mckmuffin. It is a sesame biscuit with a fried egg inside and some shredded potatoes and carrots. I eat my breakfast while I walk to work. I usually arrive to Romp N Roll about 10 minutes early so I finish my breakfast and check my Facebook. I spend the rest of my day teaching any classes that we end up having, learning Chinese while teaching English to the office girls, eating lunch, snacking, Facebooking, organizing, and chatting with Bella. The past two days I have had to interview some girls for the new assistant job. It is really strange having to interview someone. They like to have me talk to them to see how good their English is. I have learned that I am not the best at interviewing people. I think I get more nervous than the person who is being interviewed. I just find myself not knowing what to say. I told Bella that we need to write down some questions for me to ask instead of me just trying to think of them on the fly. I mean, if you know me, you know how much I hate interviews. Apparently it is no different when I am the interviewer instead of the interviewee. When I get off work, I take the bus back home and drop my things off inside. I pretty much go out for dinner every night because I do not want to cook in my kitchen, it is just too dirty. So I walk to the mall and head for whatever restaurant I feel in the mood for. A lot of the times that ends up being Paris Baguette or Subway. But I also like to try some new places from time-to-time. The supermarket has a large cafeteria-type-place in it. I have yet to try any of the food because I don't know what it is. But I decided that I am just going to start trying stuff to see if I like it... whether I know what it is or not. After I grab dinner I decide, "Do I want to eat here or go home and eat?" Oh decisions, decisions. I pick a place and eat. When I get home I usually watch some TV online or Skype with someone and then I go to bed. Wow, really I am having such an exciting time! To get myself out of the funk and usual routine I have put myself in, I signed up for an art class. I am going to The Hutong tonight to check it out. I am not really sure how to get there and I obviously have very minimal artistic abilities, but I thought it would be something fun and hopefully I can meet some new people while I am there. I must admit I am really getting lonely in China. I am just ready for Theresa to get back from Wuhan and be my roommate. I have now lived alone for over two months and I absolutely hate the solitude. I am trying not to be angry about it but it is a little frustrating because I feel like I did not come to China to just be lonely all the time. I really do not feel like going out and having adventures because honestly it is just not as much fun when there is no one to experience things with. I am pretty tired of having to do everything by myself. I am not saying I need someone to hold my hand through everything that I do, I am just saying it would be nice to have someone to experience this fun journey with! So... I am going to that art class later on with the hopes of making a friend in this crazy city.

Mandarin lesson:
Miánhuā táng 棉花糖 (marshmallow/cotton candy)

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