Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I am not a child

I was starting to feel a bit like ninety or ninety-three-year-old Jacob Jankowski as I was trying to purchase my usual dinner, noodles, at the market tonight. "Wǒ yào zhège," I said as a pointed to my noodles, I want this. The woman looked at me like she had no clue what I said. Please keep in mind I buy the same noodles for dinner from the same woman at least three times a week. I repeated myself, "Wǒ yào zhège," pointing a little more furiously this time, hoping that my sharp point would jar her memory of the only white girl on the block. She scooped it up and put it in a bag to go. "Rèdiǎn," I explained, hot. She shoved the cold noodles in my hand. "No," I repeated, "Put them here," I gestured to the hot grill. She spoke a lot of unfamiliar words to me and continued pressing the noodles towards me. "Bù xǐhuan lěng," I informed her, I don't like them cold. She continued talking a lot of nonsense to me. I had now begun making a scene, as I saw the crowd forming around my once favorite noodle counter. The lady behind me in line tried to sound all snide and intelligent when she remarked in English, "It hot now." Already knowing absolutely no one was going to understand what I was saying I went off on a tangent about how I did not want to ruin my noodles by heating them in the microwave. I can tell they are cold by feeling them. I would just like for her to take the 30 seconds of time to place them on the hot plate so that I can have a good dinner. There was never a night that this was a problem in the past. Why can't you just heat up by darn noodles?!?! They stood there silently for about 3 seconds and then the bag lady set down my cold noodles in front of me and started helping someone else. Another man behind the counter said, "Rèdiǎn," as he motioned for me to feel the container that housed my cold noodles. I said, "No.. they are lěng and why won't anyone listen to me?" I placed sān yuán in his open hand and sulked away. I am not a child, I thought as I shuffled out the door.

Mandarin lesson:
Qǐng rè de. 的。 (Please heat this.)

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