Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Monday, July 11, 2011


I spent three hours scrubbing and cleaning the apartment last night in preparation of being reunited with my roomie, Theresa. I dusted the furniture in hopes that T would not spend her whole time in Wuhan sickly like I have... I even did my best to make the squatter look a little more presentable. To top it all off, I put some fruit in a bowl on the kitchen counter. I thought it made things look a little more like a home. I woke up bright and early this morning so I could make my bed, take a shower, and do my once a week ritual of blow drying my hair. I wanted to look presentable for my friend! I put the final touches on the place by setting Theresa's welcome to Wuhan present on her pillow to await her arrival. I left for the airport around noon and drove out in a taxi to the airport. It took about an hour to get there. I ate a KFC chicken sandwich and paced back and forth inside the arrival gate. When they made the announcement that her flight had arrived I secured a close spot at the baggage claim exit. I had no idea how excited I was going to be to see my friend again. My heart was racing when she walked through the door! I knew that Wuhan was finally going to be a little bit of fun again! We caught a taxi to sit in for the next hour while we caught up and chatted about work. We set Theresa's things in the apartment and then went out for dumplings. After dumplings we attempted to walk to the river, but I once again did not know how to get there so we just got a taxi before we were lost. We explored the shops and I bought another bracelet, a hanging sun made from a coconut, and tons of kuàizi (chopsticks) - some for me some for home. We went through snack street and ate fried bananas! Then we went to the river to do some people watching.

Yes... he's dead. Not really sure what he is. Poor guy.

There are always interesting people hanging by the river. After the sun started to set we walked back through snack street and tried some chuan (pronounced- chwar). I could literally eat only one bite. It was so spicy that my mouth tingled for like 10 minutes. I guzzled down my watermelon juice to try to coax my lips into feeling normal again.

We perused the night market and then headed home.

I am happy to have my friend with me in Wuhan. I only have three more nights here. Wow.

Mandarin lesson:
Bù hǎo 好 (no good)

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