Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Friday, July 15, 2011


I know I really have not updated about what I think about my new surroundings... well... I want to blog positively about being back in Beijing because I have been looking forward to it for so long. Right now it is kid of hard to be completely positive. However, there have been several good things to come my way in the past two days.

First of all, I ate Subway for dinner tonight! It was so delicious that I felt I was living in sandwich heaven. I also bought some mochi balls for dessert. Theresa had talked very highly of them. I tried the caramel macchiato and the mango cream. I absolutely loved the mango but was not a fan of the macchiato. Last night I had Paris Baguette and Haagen Dazs. I also found the Auntie Annie's pretzel shop and several other restaurants that were familiar. There is a mall right down the block from our apartment and the food court is amazing. I am so happy all of this good food is within walking distance. It was definitely not like that in Wuhan. I also found the supermarket which is downstairs in the mall. The majority of malls I have been in have supermarkets on the bottom floor. This particular supermarket was great. Most of the aisles had Mandarin and English! It was not ridiculously crowded and it was actually pleasant to walk around in. It even smelled like a regular grocery store. I managed to find some Trix cereal! As soon as I buy dinnerware this weekend I will be going back for that! I cannot wait to eat cereal. It has been too long. I really like our new apartment. It is dirty... which I do not like at all. But, once it is clean I definitely feel like I will like it. I was not loving it yesterday but I think I was just too stressed to see the good things. It definitely needs some sprucing up and some personal touches to make it look more like our home. If I figure out how to get photos developed in China then I would love to frame some pictures around the apartment. Pictures always make a place more homely. I am going to make my way to Wal Mart (which is right down the street) and to IKEA this weekend. I want to get a few things that our apartment is lacking. I also need to get some cleaning supplies. This place needs it.

We have our grand opening tomorrow at the new center. I just got here yesterday and already I am responsible for making this place open successfully. I have my fingers crossed that everything goes well. I could use some prayers from all of you as well. I am still trying to get into the swing of things around the office. For the third time since I have arrived in China two months ago, I am the new person. This time is different, though, because I do not have a fellow employee to show me around and get me situated. I have to just jump in and open the center JUST LIKE THAT! There have been a few (probably an understatement) hiccups in the planning and I am not positive that we are all on the same page for tomorrow's big event. I am hoping that even if people mess a few things up they will be energetic and having fun and not make the mistakes noticeable to the costumers.

I should make myself go to bed. I have to be at work an hour earlier than usual to prepare for the big opening!

Mandarin lesson:
Wǒ lái le 了 (I am coming) - Theresa already knew this so I thought I should learn it, too!


  1. Good Luck with the grand openning! Tina and I will help get your place in good order. Can't wait to get there!

  2. I thought of you all day yesterday!/today/time is sometimes confusing. But the the point is you were thought of and prayed about!


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