Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day One

So my flight was delayed a few hours and I got in around 9:00 or so last night. I felt like the flight would never end. It was seriously long. Other than the fact that I couldn't understand what everyone was saying, I didn't feel that shocked originally. I got right through customs. They didn't ask any questions at all. I guess that's the good things about the language barrier. I don't know why I was so worried about getting through. I picked up my bags and met Luyin. We drove to my apartment and I got a pretty rough sleep.

I am not feeling that jetlagged but I think that's just because I got in at night so it was easy to go to sleep... especially after not sleeping on the 14 hour long flight. I don't really know how I feel about everything yet. People keep asking me what I think about China but there is really not much to think, yet. My bed is hard as a rock and it is seriously hot. I guess I will get used to it. I am assuming it will only get hotter for the next few months.

I do not have the internet yet at my apartment so I won't be blogging much until I get it. I wish so badly that I had it at the place because I really have nothing to do at all while I am there. I cleaned up this morning. I woke up twice last night but mostly slept. My phone kept on ringing... who knows who the heck is calling me. I turned off the ringer so I could still use it as an alarm and manage to get about four hours of good sleep.

I took a nice shower this morning except for I can't figure out how to make the water come out of the shower head so it comes out of this hose type thing that you hook above your head. I managed not to flood the bathroom completely which was nice.

Work this morning has been alright. I really haven't done anything but observe and just look like I have no clue what's going on. I guess that's ok. There were only three classes today and now there's literally nothing to do. Luyin said he would take me back home to sleep but I really don't feel very tired.

My roommate gets here next week and I am really excited to have some company! I don't like being alone at the apartment.

I hate cold noodles today for lunch. They are like shredded pancakes with vegetables and beef. It was pretty good. One of my coworkers ordered for me since I had no idea how to order or do anything. It is strange not being able to communicate at all. Hopefully I will pick up on that soon.

I am excited to start really working and teaching classes. I also can't wait to be in a permanent home. It sounds like the plans for where I will be placed are kind of up in the air. Luyin said I can decide where I want to go... that seems weird. He doesn't really answer my questions the way I want him to. I'm sure I'll learn how to ask and get the answers I need soon.

Well I will blog more later.

Zhijian, friends!

Mandarin lesson:
Buyao (I don't want.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey there my sweet travelin niece! Welcome to China. I understand that feeling of just having been dropped into another world. It's just the first day of a year that will alter your life forever. You are absolutely AMAZING for following your heart to those children and that culture. I'm excited to see your posts going forward. There will be so much to learn and so many new things to see and do. You will really appreciate hearing proper American English everytime it catches your ear from here on out. But it's all part of this incredible road you've taken.

    Olivia had knee surgery as you were on the way out. She's already absolutely KILLING the physical therapy and is doing great after a couple of days of pain. Old soccer injury that she finally submitted to have fixed. The wedding plans are humming along. I wish you were here but am thrilled for the reason you're missing my big day! Loads of pics on FB after the wedding, or somewhere else if you can't get to FB.

    Love you! Talk to you soon.


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