Ingredients: Scorpions 蝎子, Blood Loaf 血液麵包, Noodles 麵條, Duck , Turtle , Larvae 幼蟲, Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐, Toad 蟾蜍, Rice 水稻

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Freaking ouch

So I just got back from rugby practice. Yes... Me... Playing rugby. And by playing I really mean running like a fool and trying to avoid getting near the ball. I am so sore that it hurts even to lay on the bed. The worst part is that I will only feel worse tomorrow. I am glad that I got some exercise. I am not glad that the exercise is costing me my ability to walk or breathe normally. It was, however, nice to meet other English speakers. The players were actually very nice and supportive of my horribleness. Like I said, I am a whole new person in China. I know my Roanoke peeps are cracking up at the thought of my playing a sport.

So I am moving for the third time tomorrow. I wanted to post pictures of my current apartment but I apparently already packed up my camera cord and it is with the rest of my crap in Luyin's car. Once I get to the new apartment I will post pictures of this one and that one. I will also start taking more pictures of things. I really haven't pulled the camera out much since I've been here. I did see a 12-year-old drinking and dancing at the club the other night and I've now seen two kids peeing on the sidewalk. Yeh, things are done I little differently here.

I've been eating yummy foods. We went out for Indian food last night which I was a little nervous about. I found something on the menu that specifically said "not spicy" so I chose that one and got my grub on. It was chicken with some yummy cream sauce and pineapples. Very delicious. We also went back to the dumpling place yesterday and tried lots of yummy dumplings.

Tomorrow we are going to some kind of event for work and it is just going to be me and one of the Chinese assistants. I am excited to do some activities! I will also be teaching classes on my own next week. I get to start with babies class... you all know that I love me some babies! I am working on my enthusiasm and memorizing the order of the songs for different classes. Hopefully all will go well. I am thinking I will feel a lot better when I am doing the event tomorrow. I'm excited to be back in front of the kiddos and stop watching from the sidelines.

Wish me luck! Awesome website a coworker showed me- Nciku Some new words from today:

Mandarin lesson:
Jiejie 姐姐 (big sister) Mèimei 妹妹 (little sister) Tíng 停 (stop)

1 comment:

  1. First of all, rugby is England's revenge on us from the Revolution. Remember this.

    It sounds like you are settling in as nicely as could be expected. Finding the expats is crucial. They have all been there and done that, and their experience will be invaluable. Even though she is an amazing networker and has a million connections, Marina needs her weekly Brits in LA breakfast to reconnect, like a plug to an iPad. You will too, and you may find yourself becoming a bit more patriotic while at the same time recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the American system compared to others. I always love my conversations with people from other countries who can't understand The American Way, and I love to engage without judgment-- just telling them how it is and why it's just different from their experience.

    I love your engagement with the food. Some of it will be strange to you, but your open-mindedness will expose you to some great new flavors. After you've been there for a few months and need to break out of your rut, give a beetle a try. They're not bad once you get your head around the fact that you're eating a freaking BEETLE.

    I know the feeling of dependence. It's actually a game-changer in my life, that feeling of needing to seek out the help of strangers. That's why I'm on the lookout for confused-looking foreigners while I'm here, I know the look and the feeling of "what the hell do I do in this situation?" That very feeling will absolutely make you a more compassionate person who's even more sensitive to the needs of those around you.

    Kiss a Chinese baby for me. It's awesome to read your blog. Love you sweetheart!


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